Saturday, September 09, 2006

Turning Skeletons Into Flesh and Clothes People

Guiding Questions:
• How do we translate what we have learned about skeletons into everyday people?
o Where do we place
o Eyes
o Nose
o Mouth
o Hairline
o Ears?
• How do clothes hang on a skin and muscle body?

• Place facial features properly
• Accuracy of proportions
• Portrayal of the illusion of movement
• Neatness

• Photograph each other pretending to do an athletic activity
• Discuss the differences between drawing skeletons and “flesh and clothes” people
• Make front covers for “Gift of Health” cards to be filled out in P.E.


• Camera Angle
• Wide-angle and Close-up
• Frame and Scale
• Composition
• Sequence—Photographs seem to freeze or stop each moment. When one photographs a sequence of key moments or movements, one can show the order in which the movements occur